Winter Ango 2025

Blessings for the New Year to All.

Our first Ango/Intensified Practice Period has begun — Hope You can join us.

Just reminding you & nudging You all to find a way to turn up the heat on / set an Intention for your Practice for the next 3 months.

Here are some suggestions:

Pamsula Zen Center & Affiliated Groups
Winter Ango — 2025

In the Japanese language, Ango means “Peaceful Dwelling”. Traditionally, a period of time when the historical Buddha and his followers would stay at a place to ride out the heat & the monsoon rains.

Ango practices have developed into an intensified practice period with retreats, study & community practice.

Pamsula Zen Center will initiate this practice beginning with our New Year’s Eve Ceremony.

This PZC Ango format will include Pamsula Zen Center plus the 2 PZC Affiliates — Youngstown Zen Center & Pamsula Zen Westchester Sitting Group as well as the Iowa City Zen Center for which Roshi Daiken is the Guiding Teacher.

There will be four components of the Pamsula Zen Center Winter Ango, 2025:

I. Intensified Personal Practice: One commits to an increase in the amount of Zazen:

Frequency/Time: One can Sit more frequently. Once a week can become 2-3x per week. One could choose to begin a daily practice. Or, if that is already one’s practice, increase to 2x per day. Or one can increase the amount of time one’s Zazen session(s).

Joining A Group: Join your local Sangha for Community In-Person Zazen; One can join a local group (In-Person or Online) more frequently; If one does not Sit with one of the groups lead by Roshi Daiken, one can join the group Meditation (In-Person or Online). Or participate in another PZC connected group (In-Person or Online). Or begin/continue to Sit with another group.

Zazenkai: One can choose to participate in a Zazenkai (Half-Day Retreat) either In-Person or virtually. There will be one each month during Ango — January (@ICZC), February & March.

Daisan: One can also begin (or continue) to meet Roshi Daiken for Daisan — one-on-one meeting to discuss one’s practice to receive guidance/instruction for the form or direction of one’s practice. In-Person in NYC (for locals) or via Zoom. These are set up with Roshi Daiken. Frequency is variable.

II. Study Practice: One decides on a course of Study for the Ango period.

Reading a book (Suggestions available).
Sutra study (one text)
Zen Writings study (Dogen et al.)
— We may be able to coordinate a discussion group among multiple readers of a text.
Sutra Copying: Handwriting text from one or more of our chants, creating a personal Sutra Book
Liturgy Training: Personal exploration of the liturgical forms: signals/instruments, chanting, bowing, setting up/maintaining a home altar, Services at Home
Complementary Practices: The Way of Council, Non-Violent Communication, Energy Work, Sound Oriented Practices

III. Engaged Practice Service Project: One decides on an offering of Time or Resources to some existing program offering to those in need. Volunteering—donating Time, donating goods, donating services

Some Suggestions:
Supporting Immigrants
Food Programs (Meals and/or Pantries)
Clothing Drives & Distribution
Nature Programs
Health Programs
Social/Cultural/Civic Organizations

IV. Body Practice: Beginning or continuing a practice of engaging one’s Body:

Tai Chi
And, since it is Winter (in most places): Snow Shoeing, Cross Country Skiing, Ice Skating, Luge…

One is encouraged to complete the Ango Registration Form attached below as a commitment to one’s practice and an embodiment of the Vow to create a space for all beings to be free. Complete then return to Roshi Daiken.

Blessings to All for the New Year & Return of/as the Light.

Pamsula Zen Center & Affiliated Groups Winter Ango 2025 Registration Form


Sangha Affiliation:

Date of Birth (Month/Day):

Intensified Personal Practice Intention:

Study Intention:

Engaged Practice Service Intention:

Body Practice:

I agree to commit to and maintain these practices for the duration of the Winter Ango period.



Please copy then paste this form into a MSWord document
then send to Roshi Daiken at